This Is When You Stop Your Search for a New Doctor

10 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're looking for a new doctor, you might be worried that the search will go on for a long time. A doctor and patient have to have the same goals in treatment and in keeping the patient healthy, and sometimes the patient and doctor simply don't get along. This doesn't mean the doctor is bad; very good, intelligent doctors and very cooperative patients can sometimes just not work that well together. But that does mean that just because a doctor has a lot of patients and seems nice doesn't necessarily mean they'll be the right doctor for you.

Finding that great doctor can take time, but if you know about a few things that can signal that you've found a really good one, you can narrow down your search quickly.

They Don't Interrupt, or They Acknowledge When They Do  

People interrupt other people, but sometimes a doctor can be so immersed in getting details about the problem that's bothering you that they interrupt too much — and you end up not being able to give them all the information you think is relevant. When you meet with a doctor, take note of whether they interrupt, and if they do, whether they acknowledge it and apologise. If a doctor listens to your description without interrupting, or they stop you and say something like, "Excuse me, I want to ask about that symptom," that means you're talking to a doctor who understands that the patient's description of what's happening really is important to figure out what's going on. That's the first very good sign.

They Realise the Obvious Answer Isn't Always the Right Answer

There are times when you'll go to the doctor with a problem where the cause is obvious. You have a distinct illness with classic symptoms, for example. Other times, the problem is a bit of a mystery. It's nice when the obvious cause is the right one because then you can plan treatment without delay. But if the obvious cause doesn't really work with you (e.g., claims that your leg pain is due to you always sitting strangely when you know you haven't been), you want a doctor who will be willing to think of other potential causes as they examine you.

They Are Cautious but Thorough

Every patient differs in how aggressive they want to be with treatment. Some want to attack a problem immediately with whatever they can, while others want to observe and see how maybe one treatment goes before trying others. You've got to find a doctor who is as cautious as you would be but who also wants to be thorough in dealing with the symptoms you have, trying treatments that you're comfortable with. Remember, there will be a lot of good doctors who you decide aren't for you, but there will also be a lot of good doctors who would be a great match.

Contact doctors in your area to find primary care services for you.
